
Choosing among maximals


In a choice situation, it is usually assumed that the agents select the maximal elements inaccordance with their preference relation. Nevertheless, there are situations in which a selectioninside this maximal set is needed. In such a situation we can select randomly some of thesemaximal elements, or we can choose among them according to the behaviour of these maximalelements. In order to illustrate this, let´s imagine a preference relation >=, defined on a finite setA={x1,x2,...,xn}, such that x1 is indifferent to each alternative and x2 is strictly preferred to everyxi,i >=3. Both x1 and x2 are maximal elements, but we can say that x2 is a better maximalthan x1. In this paper we define selections of the set of maximal elements of a preference relationby choosing the better ones among them.Binary relation, maximal elements

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