
Omvärldsanalys i statliga myndigheter. Framväxt, organisation och arbetsmetoder


Horizon scanning is an ambiguous concept and difficult to define. Within the context of central government authorities, it can be interpreted as an umbrella term for a variety of activities that monitors and analyzes changes in the external environment. As a phenomenon and discourse, horizon scanning is more common today compared to ten years ago. More central government authorities have a formal or semi-formal organization for horizon scanning. Modern information technology and external consultants play in many cases a central role in development. Organizational problems such as lack of resources, competence and management’s commitment remain for many central government authorities.Futures studies; Horizon scanning; Planning; Central government; Authorities; Framtidsstudier; Omvärldsanalys; Omvärldsbevakning; Verksamhetsplanering; Statliga myndigheter

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