Study on odor response patterns of patients with exterior syndrome based on electronic nose technology


目的:运用电子鼻技术探讨表证患者口腔呼气的气味图谱特征。方法:选择表证患者(青年学生)114例和健康青年学生255名,运用基于薄膜型气体传感器阵列技术的医用电子鼻(nAnOfIlM-EnOSE MEdICAl001)采集口腔呼气的气味图谱,以响应曲线的振幅和上升斜率作为曲线特征,分析表证患者及其寒热病性的图谱特征。结果:1表证患者的气味图谱响应曲线A、b、d、E、g、H的振幅和上升斜率均显著高于健康学生(P<0.05,P<0.01)。2表寒证和表热证患者的气味图谱响应曲线A、b、d、E、g、H的振幅均显著高于健康学生(P<0.05,P<0.01)。3表寒证患者的气味图谱响应曲线A、b、d、g的上升斜率显著高于健康学生(P<0.05,P<0.01)。表热证患者的气味图谱响应曲线A、b、d、E、g、H的上升斜率显著高于健康学生(P<0.05,P<0.01)。4表热证患者的气味图谱响应曲线A、b、d、E、H的振幅和上升斜率均显著高于表寒证患者(P<0.05)。结论:表证患者口腔呼气的气味较健康人浓烈,且表热证患者气味变化较表寒证患者更明显,本电子鼻能够较为敏感和准确地辨识表证患者口腔呼气的气味特征及其寒热病性,电子鼻技术的发展可为中医嗅诊客观化研究提供手段和方法。Objective: To explore the odor response pattern characteristics of oral breath of patients with exterior syndrome by electronic nose.Methods: 114 patients with exterior syndrome(young students) and 255 healthy young students were observed.Odor response patterns of oral breath were collected by the electronic nose(Nanofilm-Enose Medical001) based on a thin film of gas sensors array.The amplitude and rising slope of response curves were selected as curve characteristics to analyze pattern characteristics of exterior syndrome including exterior cold syndrome and exterior heat syndrome.Results: ①In odor response patterns of patients with exterior syndrome,the amplitudes and rising slopes of response curve A,B,D,E,G and H were significantly higher than those of healthy students(P<0.05,P<0.01).②In odor response patterns of patients with exterior cold syndrome and with exterior heat syndrome,the amplitudes of response curve A,B,D,E,G and H were significantly higher than those of healthy students(P<0.05,P<0.01).③In odor response patterns of patients with exterior cold syndrome,the rising slopes of response curve A,B,D and G were significantly higher than those of healthy students(P<0.05,P<0.01).In odor response patterns of patients with exterior heat syndrome,the rising slopes of response curve A,B,D,E,G and H were significantly higher than those of healthy students(P<0.05,P<0.01).④In odor response patterns of patients with exterior heat syndrome,the amplitudes and rising slopes of response curve A,B,D,E and H were significantly higher than those of patients with exterior cold syndrome(P<0.05).Conclusion: The odors of oral breath of patients with exterior syndrome were significantly stronger than those of healthy people.The odors of patients with exterior heat syndrome were significantly stronger than those of patients with exterior cold syndrome.This electronic nose could distinguish odor characteristics of oral breath of patients with exterior syndrome sensitively and accurately;and it could also distinguish odor characteristics of exterior cold syndrome from exterior heat syndrome.The development of electronic nose could provide a kind of new means for the study on the objectification of TCM smelling examination.国家自然科学基金项目(No.30901899); 福建省教育厅A类项目(No.JA09132)~

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