Updating the Measures of Management to Improve the Standardization,Informationization Level of Equipment Management and Use


随着国家教育的创新发展,“985工程“、“211工程“的建设,给高校带来前所未有的发展机遇,高校的仪器设备的档次、种类和整体数量均有大幅度提高[1-4],如何管理和使用好这些仪器设备,使其在人才培养、科学研究、服务社会中充分发挥作用,各高校有各具特色的管理思路和办法。现结合我校仪器设备管理工作中实行高效的管理体制和技术手段,不断提高仪器设备管理水平的做法和实践经验进行了总结。The innovative development of national education and the construction of "985 project","211 project",has brought unprecedented opportunities to the development of universities,so that the class of equipment,the types and the number of whole have been greatly improved in colleges and universities.Each university has its own distinctive ideas and measures in how to properly manage and use these instruments and bring them into full play in the talents training,scientific research and social service.This paper summarized the practice and experience of the equipment management in Xiamen University,which effectively improve the standardization,informactionization level of equipment management

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