
Comparing different sampling schemes for approximating the integrals involved in the semi-Bayesian optimal design of choice experiments.


In conjoint choice experiments, the semi-Bayesian D-optimality criterion is often used to compute efficient designs. The traditional way to compute this criterion which involves multi-dimensional integrals over the prior distribution is to use Pseudo-Monte Carlo samples. However, other sampling approaches are available. Examples are the Quasi-Monte Carlo approach (randomized Halton sequences, modified Latin hypercube sampling and extensible shifted lattice points with Baker's transformation), the Gaussian-Hermite quadrature approach and a method using spherical-radial transformations. Not much is known in general about which sampling scheme performs best in constructing efficient choice designs. In this study, we compare the performance of these approaches under various scenarios. We try to identify the most efficient sampling scheme for each situation.Conjoint choice design; Pseudo-Monte Carlo; Quasi-Monte Carlo; Gaussian-Hermite quadrature; Spherical-radial transformation;

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