
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di sistemi nanostrutturati per il trattamento del Glioblastoma multiforme


Nanomedicine is a science based on the preparation of nanosystems for biomedical application. The drugs can be entrapped inside the nanocarriers to improve the drug concentration in the diseased issue through a drug delivery approach; polimeric materials as PLGA-b-PEG has been revealed good properties for this purpose. To improve the nanosystem efficiency it is possible to bind a targeting agent on the carrier surface. In this thesis work silver nanoparticles or drugs as Temsirolimus and Alisertib have been entrapped in PLGA-b-PEG carriers. Chlorotoxin has been linked on the carrier surface as a specific targeting agent for brain tumors. Citotoxicity in vitro of the nanosystems on Glioblastoma cells has been studied

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