
Simulasi Manajemen Lalulintas untuk Mengurangi Kemacetan di Perumahan Jemur Andayani


The use of car by students as a primary mode for commuting to and from school has profound effects on school parking requirements and traffic congestion at the peak hour, especially if the school were locate inside the residential area such as Jemur Andayani. This paper aims to recognize the effect of the implementation of various potentials local area traffic management to reduce congestion in Jemur Andayani residential area. By using software TrafikPlan to analyze various eight potentials local area traffic management, the paper presents two alternative solutions to alleviate congestion at Jemur Andayani residential area, which are open the access of the new bridge to reduce trip distance (alternative 4) and implementation of several traffic lights to control traffic movement at the major intersections (alternative 8)

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