Asociación genética con el rendimiento deportivo en tenistas y voleibolistas de competencia


El rendimiento deportivo es una característica que depende de la interacción ambiental y de factores genéticos, por ello, un gran número de estudios han evaluado las variantes polimórficas relacionadas con tener un impacto en el desarrollo de atletas profesionales, encontrando marcadores genéticos vinculados a las condiciones físicas como resistencia, fuerza y la respuesta a deshidratación. La propuesta de este estudio fue explorar la asociación de los polimorfismos de un simple nucleótido en los genes AQP1, ACTN3 y ACE con el rendimiento en atletas de Tenis y Voleibol. La población consistió en 141 sujetos de ambos sexos; los tenistas fueron divididos en 3 categorías: Principiantes (16), Intermedios (25) y Profesionales elites (23); los deportistas de Voleibol fueron considerados un solo grupo de profesionales (34) y el grupo control de 43 sujetos representó una población que no tiene entrenamientos de alto rendimiento. ABSTRACT Human Athletic performance is a characteristic that depends of the environmental interaction and genetic factors, therefore, large number of studies have evaluated the polymorphism variants associated that have had an impact on the development of professional athletes, finding genetic markers related to physical performance as endurance, strength and response to dehydration. The purpose of this study was to explore the association between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of AQP1, ACTN3 and ACE genes with elite performance of competitive athletes in Tennis and Volleyball. The study population consisted of 141 subjects of both sex; the Tennis players group were divided into three categories: beginners (16), intermediate (25) and professional-Elites (23); Volleyball players were considered as a single group of professional-elites athletes (34) and the control group consisted of 43 subjects who had not high performance training. Genotyping of samples were carried out by multiple PCR techniques and physical assessments were conducted by high performance trainers. Our results showed that the study population was not in HardyWeinberg equilibrium; also we did not find association between ACE gene and the different groups. The genotype XX of the ACTN3 gene was observed only among beginners and intermediate categories (4% and 2%) and AQP1 CC genotype was observed only in intermediated and professional-elites athletes. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the ACNT3 and AQP1 genotypes are associated with the different categories, thus genotypes would be used as a tool for optimizing training plan

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