Nutrient abundance and variability from soils in the coast of king George Island


The goal of the study was to assess the levels of plant available nutrients in the soils of the Antarctic oasis of Point Thomas in the vicinity of Polish Antarctic Station H. Arctowski. Antarctic soils are undergoing transformations in the era of climatic changes and it is important to quantify changes in soil properties and determine the relationships between soil properties and ecological gradient. Total C and N were determined using CN analyser, mineral forms of nitrogen were determined colorimetrically, plant available P and K was analysed with Egner-Riehm method, Mg with Schachtschabel method and Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn were determined in 1M KCl using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) method. The amounts of analysed compounds were dependent on organic matter, which was influenced by plant succession, and in some sites by the activity of seabirds. Most of organic matter was accumulated in the vicinity of penguin colony. All studied soils were abundant in plant available forms of studied macro- and micronutrients. In addition to translocation of biogens (mainly N and P) from the sea to the land by piscivorous birds, a dispersion of biogens on the entire ice-free area occurs. It is related to the occasional appearance of scua as well as the eolian topsoil dust input

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