Evaluation of concrete corrosion using EMI sensor


Reinforced Concrete (RC) is globally used to make the building structure strong and more durable. Civil and structural engineers face major challenges as concrete structures deteriorate and get weaker. Recent development in field of assessing and monitoring the health condition of the building structure have shown that corrosion in concrete reinforcement is the cause of failure. Thus, there lies a better research opportunity in the field of monitoring and assessing health condition of the building structure. This paper presents an innovative technique of initial monitoring of corrosion in concrete structures using Non-Destruction Evaluation (NDE). An early monitoring sensor was developed using Faradays law of electromagnetic induction (EMI) principle, multiple loop coil (MLC) acts a sensor which has a receiver and transmitter coil. The placement of the two coils on concrete structures measures the potential difference which later is used to analyse the level of corrosion

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