This study explon'd Harotongan COl'C values that eldcrs in Harotonga cousidered Illight he important lill' inclusion in a physical education progranl. To date, there has heen no stndy on Harotongan COl'Cvalnes in physical edllcation. The stndy or Harotongan core valncs will benl'l'it Harotongan schools in the arca of physical edncation. This will revive SOlIll' or til(' cllltlll'al traditional practices that have been discouraged. Harotongan COl'(' values will ('nconrag(' students' participation in physical cdncation. FiJl(]ings or thc stndy address the needs of a policy that will enhance stndcnts' participation in physical cdncation if used in a cultnrally responsive way