Insetos coletados com armadilha luminosa nas parcelas experimentais e áreas adjacentes da plantação: Insects were collected in the experimental plantation and adjacent sites (primary and secondary forest margins) to accumulate basic knowledge on the insect fauna in those habitats and on potential crop pests. The poster presents results of catches from June 1993 to April 1994 with a "Luiz de Queiroz" light trap installed at various points and heights: primary forest 1.5m. Individuals of the order Hymenoptera, mainly ants (Formicidae), were predominant in the catch (52%). The remaining orders represented were: Homoptera (21%), Lepidoptera, mainly microlepidopterans (12%), Coleoptera (6%), Hemiptera (4%) and others (5%). The insects have been mounted and catalogued. Some have been identified, identification of the others is still in progress. The specimens arekept in the Entomological Collection of CPAA