
Determination of surface resistance to evapotranspiration by remote sensing parameters in the semi-arid region of Brazil for land-use change analyses.


Field energy balances frorn irrigated crops (vineyards and mango orchard) and natural vegetation (caatinga) together with a net of agro-rneteorological stations were used to develop a model for lhe surface resistance (r,) to evapotranspiration at the basin scale in the serni-arid region of Brazil for land-use change analyses. It was done to make a historical picture at the municipal-district levei ofvegetation replacement in Pernambuco (PE) and Bahia (BA), Brazil. Although Petrolina, PE and Juazeiro, BA presented the biggest irrigated areas, the incrernents throughout the years (2002-2006) were smaller (213 and 171%) than those for Santa Maria, PE (275%) and for Lagoa Grande da Boa Vista, PE (260%)

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