
Privatization and Globalization: an Empirical Analysis


This paper examines the link between globalization measured by foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) and privatization of state-owned enterprises in a multi-country sample that focuses on developing countries. We hypothesize that privatization has an effect on FDI/FPI as the process of fostering private sector participation was often accompanied by liberalization reforms, and by allocations of substantial shares in newly privatized firms to foreign investors. Similarly, we expect FDI/FPI to foster privatization efforts as new capital inflows, technology and managerial skills that accompany FDI/FPI make the environment more prone to competition, providing governments with incentives to privatize inefficient firms that need to be turned around. This relation is assessed in two ways, first in a dynamic panel using a generalized method of moments approach, and second through panel causality tests.Privatization, foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment, dynamic panel GMM, panel causality tests

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