
Selection index and molecular markers in reciprocal recurrent selection in maize.


Reciprocal recurrent selection among full-sib families is one of the outstanding methodologies of maize improvement. since gains are possible in the per se and/or in cross population. Here the selection index proposed by Smith and Hazel was used in the cited methodology; besides. an additiolnal phase involving RAPD markers was introduced to preserve the genetic variability of the selected genotypes and identifv contaminants before their recombination. Multivariate techniques of grouping and discriminant analyses were used for this purpose. to assure the continuance of the improvement program and amplify the genetic distance between the populations Cimmyt and Piranão, which were used for an intervarietal hybrid. The molecullar technique proved useful to identifv contaminants and helpful in the choice of the genotypes to be recombined to maximize heterosis among populations. The technique can be included in recurrent selection programs, mainlv those that target the development of hybrids

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