
Effect of genotype x environment interaction on estimations of genetic and phenotypic parameters of common beans.


Genotype x environment interaction effects on estimations of genotypic and phenotypic parameters were studied, based on seed yield of 97 progenies and three test cultivars of common beans at two different locations in Minas Gerais, Brazil. At one location, Patos de Minas, F7 progenies and test cultivars were evaluated using a simple 10 x 10 lattice design, whereas F8 progenies and test cultivars planted at Sete Lagoas at two density rates comprised two independent experiments with the same statistical design as the former. Results indicated the need to evaluated bean progenies at several environments. This was supported by the fact that the narrow sense heritability value, estimated through covariance analysis, was similar to the realized heritability value, and the genetic expected gain estimate was practically equal to the realized gain estimate. Also, selection effectiveness based on the mean over environments, was three times greather than when based on each individual environment

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