
New methodological perspectives on the valuation of ecosystem services: toward a dynamic-integrated valuation approach.


The main objective of this paper is to present what is considered as methodological perspectives in the field of valuation of ecosystem services. The contributions presented here are based on the general assumption that if, on the one hand, we can recognize the inadequacy of the isolated use of the valuation methods, on the other we assume that efforts to refine and expand the scope of ecosystem services valuation should consider the progress already made, not ignoring altogether methods already used. Based on the stance that there should be a joining of efforts to improve the accuracy of ecosystem services valuation and starting from the assumption that the complexity and uncertainty surrounding ecosystem services require a trans-disciplinary analysis, the contribution beckons an approach referred to here as dynamic-integrated. It is dynamic because it considers the trajectory of ecosystem services over time in terms of its main drivers of change (land use dynamic, for example), and integrated in that it takes into account not just the economic values but other dimensions of ecosystem services values

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