
The Directional Profit Efficiency Measure: On Why Profit Inefficiency is either Technical or Allocative


The directional distance function has been introduced in the efficiency literature with the intention of relaxing the fixed orientations represented by its classical input and output counterparts. However, the criteria underlying the choice of its associated directional vector are numerous. When market prices are observed and firms have a profit maximizing behavior, it seems natural to choose as directional vector that projecting inefficient firms towards profit maximizing benchmarks. Based on that choice of directional vector, we introduce the profit efficiency measure and show that, in this general setting, profit inefficiency can be categorized as either technical -for firms situating in the interior of the technology- or allocative -for firms lying on the frontier. We implement and illustrate the analytical model by way of Data Envelopment Analysis techniques, where the profit maximizing benchmark may not be unique, and introduce the necessary optimizing program for profit inefficiency measurement.Directional Distance Function; Profit Efficiency; Technical Efficiency; Allocative Efficiency; Data Envelopment Analysis.

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