
Effects of Educational Cost Sharing on Primary Schools Management and Administration in Tanzania: A Case of Tunduru District in Ruvuma


This research aimed to investigate “Effects of educational cost sharing policy on primary schools management and administration” The study was held in Tanzania Tunduru district, Ruvuma region. The study surveyed various issues about educational costs especially related to cost sharing policy, for instance identifying educational stake-holders contributing to educational costs, the contributions, and satisfaction of stakeholders‟ contributions to school needs, setbacks or challenges in the implementation of cost sharing policy, its outcomes and its acceptability. Participants were the primary District Educational Officer, Ward Educational Coordinators, Head teachers, Classroom Teachers, Pupils, Parents and school committee members. Sampling techniques were purposive sampling for participants in the 5 randomly selected wards and 10 schools. Data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. The results revealed that education costs are shared by the government, parents, community, Religious institutions and NGOs but their contributions does not satisfy school needs. Cost sharing contributes to improved school management, and education process as a whole. The study also revealed, although cost sharing face challenges like delay of contributions, dissatisfaction of resources and little social response, it is still acceptable. The researcher recommends, Parents and the community should be well sensitized of their responsibilities in the education policy. Educational decision makers should oversee on how to effectively run the nursery classes and School budgets should include pupils‟ treatments and sports and games facilitation, also other researchers should study in other places and educational levels

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