Prediction of hydrologic fluxes over the Marmot basin using small scale distributed hydrologic model


The distributed-Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation model (DHSVM) was applied to the Marmot Creek watershed in western Alberta. The purpose of this research was primarily to assess the applicability of the model as hydrologic prediction tool for a snow dominated forested watershed. Climate data from July 2005 to December 2007 were used as forcing data. The model was calibrated and validated for the Marmot Creek watershed conditions using both streamflow and snow water equivalent (SWE). DHSVM was able to accurately simulate the streamflow and snow water equivalent for the simulated years. Because the accuracy of DHSVM simulations was greatly improved through rigorous calibration, this research demonstrates the need for model calibration to a watershed of interest, prior to hydrologic simulations using different landscape scenarios. -- Next, two scenario were used to measure the effect of digital elevation model (DEM) and land cover change on streamflow and snow water equivalent. A hydrologically modified DEM was generated using ANUDEM software and was used to assess the sensitivity of DEM source on model simulations. Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) land cover maps were also applied to evaluate the influence of land cover source on streamflow and SWE results. These sensitivity studies show that differences observed through direct comparisons of topographic parameters are reflected in the shape and timing of simulated streamflow and snow water equivalent (SWE) results. Results also show that the USGS DEM produced lower peak flows than the ANUDEM DEM and USGS land cover underestimate SWE when compared to the EOSD land cover. -- Overall, the significance of the study is that it broadens the knowledge of DEM and land cover change effects on hydrological processes in snow dominated mountainous watersheds. It thus provides a framework for assessing the vulnerability of watersheds to altered streamflow and SWE regimes attributable to changes in DEM and land cover that occur over large geographical areas and long time-frames

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