Architecture in the utopian/dystopian films of the thirties


Architecture has always reflected the state of society, as it must adapt to human life. In a worse case, it may be the other way round - people are forced to change their life in order to adapt to the urban environment. Architecture works with the scale, touch and sight, time and space. In this way it is similar to the film as a mean of expression. This study aims to compare ideas about the future with what was happening in society and art during the creation of various films through focusing on the visual element - architecture. The most obvious way are the visions of the future highlighted in utopian and dystopian films, because this field has always aimed at creating ideal world. The presented work is focused on the total of a short period of the thirties, because it is the time of creating the utopian/dystopian films as a cinematic genre. It is also a period of great political, social and artistic changes that have affected the history of the twentieth century

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