
2009 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2009-2018


Net farm income for all representative farms in 2018 is projected to be lower than in 2008. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices are expected to fall from current levels however the final level is unknown. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates after 2009. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms except for the low profit farm will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase to about farm income, debt-to-asset ratios, cropland prices, land rental rates, farm operating expenses, capitalization rate, risk iv, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Financial Economics, Land Economics/Use,

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