
Noble gases from the interstellar medium trapped on the MIR space station and analyzed by in vacuo etching


Introduction: The composition of the present interstellar medium (ISM) provides an important benchmark in cosmochemistry. It serves as a reference for galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models, solar mixing predictions and provides information for understanding Big Bang nucleosynthesis. The present-day ISM 3He abundance allows, combined with the protosolar 3He, deduced from the Jovian atmosphere or meteorites [1,2], tracing the GCE over the past 4.56 Ga. 3He/4He = (2.5 0.6) x 10-4 has been determined for the local ISM [3]. However, the uncertainty is too large to better constrain GCE models and - in combination with the present-day solar wind value - the protosolar D/H [4]

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