
Condições econômicas e institucionais do processo de inovação: proposta de um modelo sistêmico de investigação do progresso tecnológico e o desenvolvimento de inovações na indústria


This paper analyzes the dynamics of innovation in the economy. Thus, it examines the economic and social conditions involved in the technological progress and promotion of innovations. The economic structure is seen in front of the company's innovative features and the accumulation of capabilities dedicated to the innovation. The social conditions are considered in respect of the role of institutions in the innovation process. The relationship between economic and social environments shape the social capital, responsible for the generation, dissemination and use of technologies that shape the innovation process. The analysis of these conditions for the promotion of innovation is built by means of systemic models of innovation. These models capture innovation in four environments, the national, sectoral, regional and technological. Stylized facts are verified in the literature and confirm the conditions microeconomic, sectoral, regional and institutional into the development of innovations. The artice proposes that the study of innovation incorporates these differences in their theoretical and empirical body.

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