Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits


Achieving an efficient interface of light and matter has been a principal goal in the field of quantum optics. A burgeoning paradigm in the study of light-matter interface is waveguide quantum electrodynamics (QED), where quantum emitters are coupled to a common one-dimensional waveguide channel. In this scenario, cooperative effects among quantum emitters emerge as a result of real and virtual exchange of photons, giving rise to new ways of controlling matter. Superconducting quantum circuits offer an exciting platform to study quantum optics in the microwave domain with artificial quantum emitters interfaced to engineered photonic structures on chip. Beyond revisiting the experiments performed in atom-based platforms, superconducting circuits enable exploration of novel regimes in quantum optics that are otherwise prohibitively challenging to achieve. Moreover, the unprecedented level of control over individual quantum degrees of freedom and good scalability of the system provided by state-of-the-art circuit QED toolbox set a promising direction towards the study of quantum many-body phenomena. In this thesis, I discuss waveguide QED experiments performed in superconducting quantum circuits where transmon qubits are coupled to engineered microwave waveguides. Employing the high flexibility and controllability of superconducting quantum circuits, we realize and explore various schemes for generating waveguide-mediated interactions between superconducting qubits. We also demonstrate an intermediate-scale quantum processor based on a dispersive waveguide QED system involving ten superconducting qubits, exploring quantum many-body dynamics in a highly controllable fashion. The work described in the thesis marks an important step towards the construction of scalable architectures for quantum simulation of many-body models and realization of efficient coupling schemes for quantum computation.</p

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