
Scenario-based software architecture for designing connectors framework in distributed system


Software connectors is one of key word in enterprise information system. In recent years, software developers have facing more challenges of connectors which are used to connect distributed components. Design of connectors in an existing system encounters many issues such as choosing the connectors based on scenario quality, matching these connectors with design pattern, and implementing them. Especially, we concentrate on identifying the attributes that interest an observer, identifying the functions where these connectors could be applied, and keeping all applications clean after adding new connectors. Each problem is described by a scenario to design architecture, especially to design a connector based on architecture attributes. In this paper, we develop a software framework to design connectors between components and solution of these issues. A case study is done to maintain high level of independency between components and to illustrate this independency. This case study uses Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and AspectJ, Design Pattern to and Program Slicing to solve main problems of design of connectors. A conclusion is given at the end of this paper

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