Crisis management: towards a model for the hotel industry : an examination of crisis preparedness and stakeholder relationships in crisis situations.
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Crises are inevitable. There is no way to prevent all crises from happening. In fact, in today's business environment crises are an integral part of organizational life. Crisis situations are by nature novel, unstructured, frameworks. Crises are sudden, acute, and demand a timely response. Most man-made crises are in principle
preventable. Crisis management is a new field of research that addresses the problems of dealing with crises, and the stress that accompanies crises. Crisis management involves efforts to prevent crises from occurring; to prepare for a
better protection against the impact of a crisis agent; to make for an effective response to an actual crisis; and to provide plans and resources for recovery and rehabilitation in the aftermath of a crisis. It is no longer enough to
consider "if" a crisis will happen but rather "when" a crisis will occur, "which type", and "how". There is no doubt that the travel and tourism industry is especially susceptible and vulnerable to crises. It is argued that the hotel industry, given its operational characteristics, management practices (which is strongly influenced by long established traditions), and its operating environment, is
even more prone to crises. However, very little has been done to understand crisis (that is, how a crisis evolves, crisis typology, anatomy, and management
of crisis). This study describes and discusses all major relevant elements and issues to the emerging field of crisis management. Within the domain of crisis
management theory, the study describes and elaborates on critical issues such as crisis typology, anatomy of crisis, crisis planning and training, crisis
decision making, crisis communication, and crisis management.
It is argued in this study that organizational culture is the most fundamental
element in crisis preparedness. That is, organizational culture, not
organization structure, size, financial history, etc., is the main determinant of
crisis preparedness. The research also argue that stakeholders are
fundamental in crisis prevention, crisis management and crisis recovery.
This study, in a first instance, examines the crisis preparedness of 33 of the 50
top hotel organizations operating in the UK (HCIMA, 1995). Crisis
preparedness is examined in the light of organizational culture. For that, top
executives in those organizations were interviewed and responded to two
questionnaires. A crisis preparedness framework (or continuum) was derived
from the application of factor analysis on the questionnaire data. The results
suggest that the hotel industry is not prepared for crises. Given that a crisis is
a multi-stakeholder phenomenon (it inevitably involves other agents) this
study also explores, building upon the results obtained from the crisis
preparedness continuum, the notion of stakeholders relationships in crisis
situations. More specifically, the research proposition states that organizations
that are crisis "prepared" are more consistent on their opinions about
stakeholders' role and behaviour in crisis situations than those organizations
that are not prepared for crises. The study confirmed both the research
question and proposition.
The study also presents an operational definition of crisis management and
proposes a model for crisis management