
A Publication of The Global University Consortium Exploring Incremental Housing This publication contains the summaries of presentations on multi-story incremental housing from the 6th Session of the World Urban Forum in Naples, Italy, in 2012. Framing questions: - Can the exploding urban population challenge be met with new incremental initatives for accommodating growth? - Can the demonstrated energy of the informal sector be supported through multi-story starters? - Does a multi-story incremental strategy justify the high capital costs of utility infrastructure networks? - When making policy choices, which is best to support: the informal dynamic, the formal housing, or transformation of existing public housing - or all three? Content: p. 10. INTRODUCTION: Multi-story Incremental Housing Matt Nohn, Loeb Fellow, Harvard, former Visiting Professor of Urban Management, TU Darmstadt Dr. Reinhard Goethert, Director, SIGUS-MIT p. 44. OVERVIEW: A Paradigm Shift In Global Housing Strategy Claudio Acioly, Jr. Head, Capacity Development Unit, Housing and Urban Management, UN-Habitat, Nairobi. Summarized by Venkata Narayanan AL, Mundus Urbano p. 42. PERU – The Informal Alternative Susana M. Rojas Williams; Director, International Shelter Initiatives; Habitat for Humanity International, Washington, D.C. Summarized by Lia Brum, Mundus Urbano p. 52. EL SALVADOR – Fundasal's Two-story Expandable Units Arq. Claudia Blanco, Directora Ejecutiva FUNDASAL El Salvador. Summarized by Manuela Pinilla Rodriguez, Mundus Urbano p. 57. HAITI – The T-Shelter: 2-Story Rebuilding After Disaster Ann Lee, Project Director, Katye Project, Haiti. Summarized by Lia Brum, Mundus Urbano p.62. EGYPT – Housing Prototypes - 6Th October New Town Dr. Ahmed Shalaby, Cairo University, Egypt. Summarized by Sandra Michel and Larissa Gocht, Department of Architecture, TU Darmstadt p. 69 EGYPT – Transformations of Multi-story Public Housing in Egypt Dr. Graham Tipple, Consultant in housing and urban policy in rapidly developing countries; Visiting Fellow, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, England. Summarized by Lillith Kreiß, Department of Architecture, TU Darmstadt p. 75. CHILE – Examples from Widespread Experience Prof. Margarita Greene, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Summarized by Manuela Pinilla Rodriguez, Mundus Urbano p. 81. Incremental Housing Design Strategies To Meet Rapid Urban Growth. Dr. Reinhard Goethert, Principal Research Associate, SIGUS-MI

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