New Ways of Mapping Social Inclusion in Dublin City


The Dublin City Area Based Partnerships are pleased to present this report “New Ways of Mapping Social Inclusion in Dublin City”. This initiative is a collaboration between the Area Based Partnerships, Dublin City Development Board (DCDB) and the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA). The commissioning of this report stemmed from a need to source accurate and timely data to aid the targeted delivery of supports to help those most at need within our communities. The research has created a localised evidence base which will ensure a more effective deployment of our limited resources. This will have the potential to achieve better outcomes within our communities. The report demonstrates that with the agreement of data holders we can significantly enhance our knowledge base and decision making. We expect that on reading this report, government bodies, and other relevant stakeholders will see the benefits in sharing information at a local level to inform policy making and, as a result, ensure the better targeting and delivery of public resource

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