
Utjecaj strukturirane edukacije na klinički tijek atopijskoga dermatitisa u dječjoj dobi [The impact of structured education on the clinical course of atopic dermatitis]


Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common childhood disease of increasing prevalence that not only changes the life of the affected children but also affects the social and emotional functioning of their families. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the effects of the structured educational program for parents of AD children, aged 3 months to 7 years, according to AD clinical course, family quality of life, anxiety and perceived stress of parents. Methods: One hundred thirty four parents AD children attending the Outpatient Unit of Pediatric dermatology in Children's Hospital Zagreb participated in the study; the interventional group (structured educational program together with normal management regiment); the control group (routine education, medical consultation and management). The severity of AD was estimated using Scoring AD (SCORAD) index. Parents were asked to complete the Croatian version of Family dermatology life quality index (FDLQI), Patient oriented (PO) SCORAD, Percieved stress scale (PSS), State trait anxiety inventory (STAI) and general questionnaire. Results: Results of the study showed that the intervention group had a significant improvement in the scoring AD (SCORAD, PO SCORAD), family quality of life, percieved stress and anxiety when compared to the control group. Conclusion: Our structured educational program had positive effect on AD severity, family quality of life, parental stress and anxiety and have to be part of AD management

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