Subaponeurotic fluid collection is an infrequent cause of scalp swelling in
infants. We report a 10-week-old male who had a scalp swelling for five days
without any recent history of head injury. There was a soft, mobile, non-tender,
transilluminating, fluctuant swelling over posterior parieto-occipital area and it
was not limited by suture lines. Cranial ultrasonography showed a subaponeurotic
collection at the posterior parieto-occipital area without definite communication
with the intracranial space or the brain parenchyma. This infant was treatedconservatively. The swelling resolved spontaneously after 4 weeks. The lack of
awareness of some doctors in the Emergency Department about this condition
may lead to unnecessary investigations, ward admission and intervention. It is
hoped that this case report will provide emergency health care professionals the
confidence to make accurate diagnosis and treat patient with subaponeurotic fluid
collection optimally