
The European Community's Power in the Financing for Development Initiatives


In order to examine the nature of the power that the EC wields, this paper focuses specifically on its productive power. This paper examines whether and, if so, to what extent, the EC contributed to the financing for development by identifying the problems, formulating solutions, and persuading others to accept these solutions. The process through which the financing for development initiatives decides upon relevant issues and how the EC engages with these issues makes it clear that the EC should not be regarded as a genuine productive power because it was not the sole trigger that prompted the definition of problems or the formulation of solutions. Nonetheless, it should be regarded as a significantly influential driving force in the financing for development, in terms of its contribution to defining problems and formulating solutions. The EC's role in encouraging commitment to the financing for development initiative and persuading others to accept this commitment shows that the EC can be regarded as an entity wielding some form of productive power. However, further study is required to understand the extent to which the EC can really influence the behaviors of states. This study also reveals that the EC can execute productive power only when permitted or delegated to do so by other bodies and its member states. These facts, which are exhibited in this paper, help clarify the context in which international organizations execute power.The EC, financing for development, power of international organizations, productive power

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