Notes on some plant collections from Bachok and several forest reserves in Kelantan


A botanical survey of Bachok and various forest reserves at Jeram Linang, Jeram Pasu and Bukit Bakar was part of an expedition from 14–20 June 2008 carried out by the IOES (Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences) University of Malaya to survey and prepare an inventory of the biodiversity of the coastal region around Bachok, Kelantan. A total of 54 species from 30 families, consisting of seashore and mangrove plants were identified from the coastal area of Bachok and Semerak; while 89 species of flowering plants representing 44 families, a single gymnosperm, Agathis borneensis (Araucariaceae); and 15 genera and 23 species of mosses (from 10 families) were recorded in the three forest reserves. Several of the species collected were rarely found outside Kelantan. Satu survei tumbuhan di Bachok dan beberapa hutan simpanan termasuk Jeram Linang, Jeram Pasu dan Bukit Bakar, Kelantan adalah sebahagian ekspedisi survei biodiversiti kawasan pantai di sekitar Bachok Kelantan oleh IOES (Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences) Universiti Malaya pada 14–20 Jun 2008. Sejumlah 54 spesies daripada 30 famili tumbuhan pantai dan bakau dikenalpasti dari kawasan pantai Bachok dan Semerak; sedangkan 89 spesies tumbuhan berbunga (mewakili 44 famili), satu gimnosperma, Agathis borneensis (Araucariaceae); serta 15 genera dan 23 spesies daripada 10 famili lumut sejati telah direkodkan di kawasan sekitar Jeram Linang, Jeram Pasu dan Hutan Lipur Bukit Bakar. Beberapa spesies yang dikutip adalah jarang ditemui di luar Kelantan

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