
Evaluation der Nachhaltigkeit beruflicher Weiterbildung im Rahmen des ESF-BA-Programms : eine Wirkungsanalyse auf der Grundlage von Befragungen der Teilnehmenden und Vergleichsgruppen (Evaluation of the sustainability of further occupational training within the framework of the ESF-BA Programme : An analysis of the impact on the basis of a survey of participants and reference groups)


"The evaluation of the promotion of further vocational training for the unemployed is of major interest not only as to the quantity of subsequent transitions into employment, but also with regard to the quality of the employments gained. In this report we present an analysis of the transition into sustainable employment in consequence of further vocational training supported by the European Social Fund (ESF maintenance benefit, general education modules) supplementary to promotion according to SGB III (German Social Code Book III). The impact analysis is focused on the transition into non-funded jobs liable to social security of more than half a year and more than one year duration. We use two comparison groups: (1) unemployed non-participants and (2) participants in further vocational training supported according to SGB III without supplementary ESF funding. The analysis covers participants in further vocational training funded by the ESF between 2000 and 2002. The empirical analysis is based on longitudinal data from panel surveys (2003/2004 and 2006) of ESF-funded participants (census in every second employment agency district) and comparison persons who were selected by exact pre-matching on the basis of process-produced data from the Federal Employment Agency. Methods of event history analysis were applied (Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox regressions) for impact analysis covering an observation period of up to six years. Our results show that participation in further vocational training supported by the ESF increased the transition probability into sustainable employment in the medium and long run compared to non-participation. In this respect ESF-funded participants have proven more successful than unemployed non-participants. Compared to statutory promotion according to SGB III the added value of ESF funding is reflected by the inclusion of unemployed persons who would not have participated without the maintenance benefit paid by the ESF or who, at least, would have participated under harder circumstances only. Participants additionally covered by the ESF were equally successful with respect to sustainability of employment compared to those supported merely along with SGB III." (Authors' abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Weiterbildungsförderung - Erfolgskontrolle, europäischer Sozialfonds, Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Förderungsmaßnahme, Teilnehmer, Beschäftigungseffekte, beruflicher Verbleib, Arbeitslose, berufliche Reintegration, Arbeitsplatzqualität, adäquate Beschäftigung, Beschäftigungsdauer, Sozialgesetzbuch III, Berufserfolg

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