
Mobile Money: Implications for Emerging Markets


Developing countries lack effective infrastructure: transportation, telecommunications, financial systems, etc. The positive economic impact of the improved telecommunications infrastructure has been demonstrated. The ability of microfinance has been shown to stimulate and enhance economic activity. Now a hybrid of the technologies has begun to emerge: mobile money. The ubiquity of cell phone service, coupled with the notion of microfinance offers the possibility of service in remote areas of a country where it would be otherwise economically unsustainable to provide banking services. Mobile money has all of the attributes of money including store of value and medium of exchange. This paper addresses the economics and policy issues of mobile money: What are the economics of mobile money? What policy issues does it raise? Is it a threat to the traditional banking system? How should it be regulated? What can we learn from the microfinance literature? Do we have empirical evidence of its impact on growth and development?Competition, economic dynamics, neoclassical economics, pricing policy, regulation.

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