One of the most important limitations in the performances of the CERN-SPS is presently the Electron Cloud Instability (ECI). Hence, defining its dependence on energy with confidence is an indispensable asset to direct the efforts for all the upgrade studies. Macroparticle simulations carried out with the HEADTAIL code have shown that the ECI mechanism is subtle and the scaling laws valid for the Transverse Mode Coupling Instability cannot be applied to it . The reason lies in the fact that the electron dynamics, while a bunch is going through an electron cloud, is heavily affected by the transverse beam size. In fact, transversely smaller beams can enhance the electron pinch and lower the intensity threshold for the bunch to be unstable. Hence, higher energy beams, though more rigid, can be more unstable due to their smaller transverse size (with constant transverse normalized emittance). During the 2007 run a measurement campaign has been carried out at the CERN-SPS to prove experimentally the outcomes of macroparticle simulations