
Longitudinal beam parameters and quality checks of the LHC beam in the SPS: further results and comparisons


Controlled longitudinal emittance blow up is used, along with other measures, to stabilize the nominal LHC beam in the SPS. Two Machine Development studies (MDs) were carried out in 2007 to evaluate the effectiveness of different noise settings for the longitudinal blow up of the beam. The noise settings are affected by both the presence of the 800 MHz RF system and intensity effects which modify the synchrotron frequency distribution inside the bunch. The results for the first MD are reported in Note [1]. This Note reports on the results of the second MD, carried out on 2007-10-17, as well as the comparison between the two in order to analyse the differences between the two occasions. Figures of merit are used that allow rapid evaluation of the quality of the beam as for example stability and bunch length uniformity across batches

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