
Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma at the LHC with Z0^{0}- tagged Jets in CMS


An important tool in quark-gluon plasma studies at RHIC has been the measurement of dijets investigated via leading hadron correlations. With much higher rates for hard processes at the Large Hadron Collider, studies of Z^0tagged jets become possible. A clear experimental signature is provided by the measurement of muon pairs from the Z^0 decays, for which CMS is an ideally suited detector. Instead of measuring back-to-back correlations of two strongly interacting particles, one side is replaced by an electromagnetic probe which propagates through the plasma undisturbed and provides a measurement of the energy of the initial hard scattering. We propose to use lepton-pair tagged jets to study medium-induced partonic energy loss and to measure in-medium parton fragmentation functions. The lepton pairs from semileptonic decays of heavy meson pairs (B overline {B} and D overline{D}) are a background source for the dilepton jet tag signal. We present the calculated signal rates (using PYTHIA) and background rates (using HVQMNR). We also discuss strategies for maximizing the signal-to-background ratio

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