
Extra Dimensions and Quantum Black Holes


In the late nineties several authors suggested that the extra dimensions predicted by string theory might lead to observable effects at high energy colliders. The ATLAS experiment which will start taking data at the LHC in 2007 will be an excellent place to search for such effects. One particularly intriguing possibility is that mini black holes could be produced if the centre-of-mass energy of two elementary particles is higher than the Planck scale and their impact parameter is lower than the Schwarzschild radius. Although the exact signature of a black hole is difficult to predict, some general features can be used as guideline for a search strategy. Non-observation will lead to the determination of lower bounds on the Planck Scale and the number of possible extra dimensions. This talk spans results from running experiments such as the Tevatron, Eöt-Wash and AGASA/Auger and presents predictions on the LHC in general

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