
Modifications to the SPS LSS6 Septa for LHC and the SPS Septa Diluters


The Large Hadron Collider required the modification of the existing extraction channel in the long straight section (LSS) 6 of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), including the suppression of the electrostatic wire septa. The newly set up fast extraction will be used to transfer protons at 450 GeV/c as well as ions via the 2.9 km long transfer line TI 2 to Ring 1 of the LHC. The girder of the existing SPS DC septa was modified to accommodate a new septum protection element. Changes were also applied to the septum diluter in the fast extraction channel in LSS4, leading to the other LHC ring and the CNGS facility. The requirements and the layout of the new LSS6 extraction channel will be described including a discussion of the design and performance of the installed septum diluters

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