
CERN Proton Synchrotron working point control using an improved version of the pole-face-windings and figure-of-eight loop powering


The working point of the CERN Proton Synchrotron, which is equipped with combined function magnets, is controlled using pole-face-windings. Each main magnet consists of one focusing and one de-focusing half-unit on which four pole-face-winding plates are mounted containing two separate coils each, called narrow and wide. At present they are connected in series, but can be powered independently. In addition, a winding called the figure-of-eight loop, contours the pole faces and crosses between the two half units, generating opposite fields in each half-unit. The four optical parameters, horizontal and vertical tune and chromaticity, are adjusted by acting on the pole-face-winding currents in both half units and in the figure-of-eight loop, leaving one physical quantity free. The power supply consolidation project opened the opportunity to use five independent power supplies, to adjust the four parameters plus an additional degree of freedom. This paper presents the results of the measurements that have been made in the five-current mode together with the influence of the magnetic nonlinearities, due to the unbalance in the narrow and wide winding currents, on the beam dynamics

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