
Arbeitsmarktvermittelte Abgänge aus der Grundsicherung : der Einfluss von personen- und haushaltsgebundenen Barrieren


"Drawing on the first wave of the IAB panel study 'Labor market and social security' (PASS), this analysis explores factors associated with exits from basic income sup-port for needy jobseekers to gainful employment. The impact of household context on work prospects of females and males is focused as well as the prevalence of multiple labor market barriers and their effect on leaving benefit receipt. There are both similarities and differences between the sexes. Prospects for economic self-sufficiency of single and partnered females and males without children don't differ. Having children however impedes labor market participation of mothers in general while it promotes exits from basic income support to work of partnered fathers. With regard to multiple labor market barriers, bad health, higher age and long lasting benefit receipt are frequently combined attributes. When multiple barriers are co-occurring, every additional barrier halves the probability of a transition from basic income support to work, which is of high relevance for social politics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger, berufliche Reintegration - Determinanten, Vermittlungshemmnisse, Arbeitsmarktchancen, geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren, allein Erziehende

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