
Formal specification techniques in object-oriented analysis: a comparative view.


During the last decade, object orientation has been advanced as a promising paradigm for software construction. In addition several authors have advocated the use of formal specification techniques during software development. Formal methods enable reasoning (in a mathematical sense) about properties of programs and systems. It is clear that also object oriented software development can benefit from the use of formal techniques.But although the object oriented analysis (OOA) methods claim to provide the necessary concepts and tools to improve the quality of software development, they are in general informal. This is surprising as the modeling techniques used in OOA have a high potential for formalization. The purpose of this study is to compare the specification techniques used in current OOA-methods. In particular, the degree of formality provided by most of the methods is discussed and evaluated from a quality control perspective.Software; Methods; Programs; Systems; Studies; Quality control;

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