
Zuzahlungen nach dem GKV-Modernisierungsgesetz (GMG) unter Beruecksichtigung von Haertefallregelungen


The law for the Modernisation of the Social Health Insurance System 2003 ("GKV-Modernisierungsgesetz – GMG" 2003) provides, among other measures, for a noticeable increase in co-payments and also for a reduction of possibilities for claiming exemptions from co-payments. Against this backdrop, the authors of the paper present, at the start, the varying news on co-insurance payments held by different political groups. Thereafter, the theoretical foundations of co-payments are described. Finally, on the basis of extensive empirically founded computations, the effects of the new co-payment rules (together with relevant new exemptions) are compared with the effects of the rules still in force.Social Health Insurance System, co-payment, public finance

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