A fuzzy genetic algorithm with varying population size to solve an inventory model with credit-linked promotional demand in an imprecise planning horizon


A genetic algorithm (GA) with varying population size is developed where crossover probability is a function of parents' age-type (young, middle-aged, old, etc.) and is obtained using a fuzzy rule base and possibility theory. It is an improved GA where a subset of better children is included with the parent population for next generation and size of this subset is a percentage of the size of its parent set. This GA is used to make managerial decision for an inventory model of a newly launched product. It is assumed that lifetime of the product is finite and imprecise (fuzzy) in nature. Here wholesaler/producer offers a delay period of payment to its retailers to capture the market. Due to this facility retailer also offers a fixed credit-period to its customers for some cycles to boost the demand. During these cycles demand of the item increases with time at a decreasing rate depending upon the duration of customers' credit-period. Models are formulated for both the crisp and fuzzy inventory parameters to maximize the present value of total possible profit from the whole planning horizon under inflation and time value of money. Fuzzy models are transferred to deterministic ones following possibility/necessity measure on fuzzy goal and necessity measure on imprecise constraints. Finally optimal decision is made using above mentioned GA. Performance of the proposed GA on the model with respect to some other GAs are compared.Fuzzy genetic algorithm Fuzzy rule base Credit-linked demand Imprecise planning horizon

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    Last time updated on 06/07/2012