
Strategies of post-adhesion of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest – a marketing approach


In order to achieve its existential purpose, respective the development of the commerce, industry, agriculture and services, according to the requirements of the market economy within the globalization of the international economy, on one hand, and of the postadhesion of Romania to the European Union, on the other hand, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest needs to become an instrument and at the same time a satisfaction mean of the customers’ needs, starting from the small, medium and large companies to associations and patronages and ending with the destination of Bucharest, as a harmony of these requirements. With this purpose, a marketing approach of the strategies of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest will have as an initial point, the identification and creation of a hierarchy of the identity elements and specificity of the metropolitan area of Bucharest, elements that constitute the material or human potential. As a result, in his quality of main organization and equidistant of the economic environment of Bucharest, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest will consolidate its image, at the same time with its importance, through all the services offered to create a lasting development of Bucharest.partnership strategies, personnel strategies, product strategies, promotion strategies.

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