
Teaching science students to communicate - a teaching resource


This teaching resource contains five science communication activities, to be run in undergraduate science classes such as workshops, practicals, or tutorials. The skills taught in these activities are specifically for the communication of science to non-scientific audiences, although all skills are transferrable to other contexts – including communication with scientific audiences also. Activities have been designed to allow for discipline-specific science content to be integrated into, and taught alongside, the communication skills. All activities have been trialled and evaluated in undergraduate science courses across year levels and disciplines – for full details of evaluation see Mercer-Mapstone & Kuchel (2015). These skill have been derived from a thorough review of the literature across science, communication, science communication; and education, and validated by science communication and education experts to be relevant and essential within the context of undergraduate science. For details on the development of these communication skills, see Mercer-Mapstone & Kuchel (2015a)

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