Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Image of structures enclosed in the spinal canal relevant to anesthetists and estimation of the lumbosacral CSF volume


Three-dimensional (3D) image-reconstruction of structures inside the spinal canal certainly produces relevant data of interest in regional anesthesia. Nowadays, all hospital MRI equipment is designed mainly for clinical diagnostic purposes. In order to overcome the limitations we have produced more accurate images of structures contained inside the spinal canal using different software, validating our quantitative results with those obtained with standard hospital MRI equipment. Neuroanatomical 3D reconstruction using Amira® software, including detailed manual edition was compared with semi-automatic 3D segmentation for CSF volume calculations by commonly available software linked to the MR equipment (MR hospital). Axial sections from seven patients were grouped in two aligned blocks (T1 Fast Field Eco 3D and T2 Balance Fast Field Eco 3D - resolution 0,65 x 0,65 x 0,65 mm, 130 mm length, 400 sections per case). T2 weighted was used for CSF volume estimations. The selected program allowed us to reconstruct 3D images of human vertebrae, dural sac, epidural fat, CSF and nerve roots. The CSF volume, including the amount contained inside nerve roots, was calculated. Different segmentation thresholds were used, but the CSF volume estimations showed high correlation between both teams (Pearson coefficient = 0.98, p = 0.003 for lower blocks ; Pearson 0.89, p = 0.042 for upper blocks). The mean estimated value of CSF volume in lower blocks (L 3-S1) was 15.8 ± 2.9 ml (Amira® software) and 13.1 ± 1.9 ml (software linked to the MR equipment) and in upper blocks (T11-L2) was 21 ± 4.47 ml and 18.9 ± 3.5 ml, respectively. A high variability was detected among cases, without correlation with either weight, height or body mass index. Aspects concerning the partial volume effect are also discussed. Quick semi-automatic hospital 3D reconstructions give results close to detailed neuroanatomical 3D reconstruction and could be used in the future for individual quantification of lumbosacral CSF volumes and other structures for anesthetic purposes

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