
The Australian Corneal Graft Registry 2015 Report


The Australian Corneal Graft Registry (ACGR) opened in May 1985 and has now been operating for 30 years. Over the years, we have collected information on more than 30,000 corneal grafts. At registration, we seek information on the donor, eye bank practices, the recipient, the surgeon, the graft type and the operative procedure. Follow-up then occurs at approximately yearly intervals for an indefinite period, and ceases upon graft failure, or the death or loss-to-follow-up of the patient. At each round of follow-up, we request information on the survival of the graft, the visual outcomes, and any relevant post-operative events and treatments. The data are entered into an Access database and checked for consistency. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate analyses are subsequently performed using SPSS and Stata software, and the report is eventually collated.Eye Bank of South Australia, Lions New South Wales Eye Bank, Lions Eye Bank of Western Australia, Lions Eye Donation Service, Victoria, Queensland Eye Bank, The Australian Government Organ and Tissue Authority (DonateLife

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