The Multiple Middle: Managing in Healthcare
- Publication date
- 1 January 2015
- Publisher
- __Abstract__
The future of the middle manager is a much debated topic; not only in healthcare
but also in other sectors. The middle manager is either viewed as an important
change agent or as a relict of the past. Despite these opposing views, the underlying
definition of middle management is one and the same: middle management is defined
as a place somewhere ‘in the middle’ of the work floor and higher management. This
spatial definition of middle management is foregrounding management activities in
‘upward’ (higher management) and ‘downward’ directions (work floor), while backgrounding
other management activities. As a consequence, we only have a partial
and limited view of what middle management entails.
The central aim of this thesis is to open up the middle by researching the
multiplicity of the middle in healthcare, thereby gaining new insights in day-to-day
work of middle management and important transitions in this work. This thesis
foregrounds alternative middles that so far have received little attention in literature:
the middle in-between 1) conflicting values of good care; 2) different justifications
used towards stakeholders; 3) professional and managerial discourses; and 4)
organizational boundaries between care, welfare and housing. The empirical analysis
does not only sheds light on the type of work that is conducted in these middles,
but also reveals how this work is reconfigured and partially distributed to clients and
professionals. Moreover, the analysis provides an answer to the main question: ‘How
is the daily work of middle management enacted and reconfigured in the Dutch ca